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Área de Biblioteca, Archivo y Publicaciones Biblioteca

What’s new?

UCA Production  in Open Access (23-10-2020)

Open Access or open access is a movement that aims to facilitate free access to scientific information through the Internet for use by the scientific community. The author of works published in open access maintains control over the integrity of their publications, which must be cited and recognized as their own.
Researchers at the University of Cádiz have increased their publications in open access journals in recent years.

Research dissemination and visibility: open access and author profiles (22-10-2020)

During this year 2020, a campaign to promote the author profiles of researchers from the University of Cádiz has been carried out. The objective has been to help researchers to know, obtain and manage their author profiles in ORCIDScopusResearcher ID / PublonsGoogle Scholar y Dialnet, etc. and thus contribute to improving the visibility of its scientific production, and of the institution.

In addition, to disseminate and make visible our research activity and the scientific production of the University, it is essential to deposit our publications in open access repositories such as RODIN.

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10 years with RODIN (20-10-2020)

RODIN,  UCA Institutional Repository, turns 10 (2010-2020). For this reason we wanted to take stock and show the results, since they have been possible thanks to the collaboration of researchers and the community in general at the University of Cádiz. The University of Cádiz Repository of Teaching and Research Objects, offers documentation exclusively in open access, improving the visibility and consultation, from anywhere in the world, of the works and research of the UCA, promoting the impact of documentation and the acknowledgment of their authors.
There are currently 14,497 documents deposited in RODIN. In these 10 years there have been 18,654,090 file downloads and 10,498,183 visits to deposited items.
See RODIN statistics.

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International Open Access Week (19-10-2020)

From October 19 to 25, International Open Access Week was celebrated. It consisted in an international event organized by SPARC (Scolarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) that has been held annually since 2007 in order to promote open access to scientific production.
This new edition of Open Access Week had the slogan “Open with Purpose: Undertake actions to build equity and structural inclusion”.

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New version of Sherpa Romeo (31-07-2020)

The Sherpa Romeo portal, which collects information on publishers’ policies regarding the deposit of their publications in open access, has modified its interface. It has modernized its design and continues to collect the same information, but now it is distributed in three tabs with information on each version of the article (submitted, accepted and published). Each version can have one or more open publishing pathways. In addition, a predictive search engine has been incorporated and the classification of journals by color has been removed based on their open access policy.

Sherpa Romeo is a reference source of information that every researcher should know to ensure that they adhere to the publisher’s open access policies before submitting an article to a repository. Its equivalent in Spanish is Dulcinea.

More information about the new version

Declaration in favor of open and sustainable knowledge (27-03-2020)

The fight against the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of sharing scientific knowledge immediately and openly among the research community.

“The consortia, purchasing groups, associations and institutions that sign this declaration and that we are contracting journals for academic libraries, we want to express that world knowledge is the heritage of humanity and that today’s world needs it to be openly and immediately accessible by anyone. (…) “In a similar way to what has been done by our colleagues internationally or in some countries (France, United Kingdom, etc.), with this declaration we want to urge both the institutions that support and conduct research and information service providers and publishers to accelerate the transition to Open Access within a framework of economic sustainability. ”

Declaration in favor of open and sustainable knowledge

New version and change of image of the UCA’s Institutional Repository  (31-01-2020)

The version of the  UCA Repository, RODIN, has been updated which now shows a renewed image, which highlights the accesses to the Communities in which RODIN’s contents are distributed. These same contents, organized according to the assignment of the authors (Departments, Research Groups, Institutes, etc.) are accessible from the Communities and Collections links.

The new implemented version of the software, DSpace 6.3, allows new functionalities and developments, which place the UCA Repository at the level of the main national and international Repositories, being able to comply with technical guidelines and protocols that ensure maximum dissemination of RODIN.

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International Open Access Week (21-10-2019)

From October 21 to 27, it was the International Open Access Week. (Open Access Week). It is an international event organized by SPARC (Scolarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) that has been held annually since 2007 in order to promote open access to scientific production.

This new edition of Open Access Week has the slogan “Open for whom? Equity in open knowledge ”.

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RODIN in numbers (25-10-2018)

The Repository of Teaching and Research Objects of the University of Cádiz, offers documentation exclusively in open access  improving the visibility and consultation -from anywhere in the world- of the works and research of the UCA, promoting the impact of this documentation and the acknowledgment of its authors.

There are currently 12,023 documents deposited in RODIN. During 2018, RODIN had 1,254,443 visits and 2,354,663 downloads. The authors, Research Institutes and Departments with the most content deposited in RODIN are shown.

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Publishing in open (24-10-2018)

The University of Cádiz Library has agreements with some publishers that provide discounts for publishing in some open access journals: MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), Biomed Central (BMC) and Springer Open.

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Cites and altmetrics on RODIN(23-10-2018)

Now it is possible to consult the citations and mentions in social networks of a document deposited in RODIN. Likewise, when the article is indexed in the Scopus database, the citations obtained are displayed, being able to link from RODIN to the documents that cite it.

These improvements complement the visualization of the impact obtained, adding to the statistics of visits and downloads of the documents deposited in RODIN, which already offered by the  UCA Repository,

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International Open Access Week 2018 (22-10-2018)

From October 22 to 28, it was the International Open Access Week. (Open Access Week). It is an international event organized by SPARC (Scolarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) that has been held annually since 2007 in order to promote open access to scientific production.

This new edition of Open Access Week has the slogan “Designing equitable bases for open knowledge”.

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Open access to the UCA doctoral theses in Dialnet (24-10-2017)

Throughout 2017 there has been a significant growth in the number of doctoral theses on Dialnet, thanks to the involvement of various libraries that have incorporated all the theses defended at their university.

In addition, numerous doctoral theses have been added that are available in free access, currently counting on the references of approximately half of the theses defended in the Spanish university in the last fifty years, 80,000 of them with links to the full text in institutional repositories, thus betting on open access.

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International Open Access Week 2017 (23-10-2017)

From October 22 to 29, it was the International Open Access Week. (Open Access Week).

It is an international event organized by SPARC (Scolarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) that has been held annually since 2007 in order to promote open access to scientific production.

This new edition of Open Access Week has the slogan “Open for …” and wants to emphasize the multiple reuses of research results available in open access.

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RODIN (UCA repository) in the Web Ranking of World Repositories 31-01-2017)

RODIN, Institutional Repository of Teaching and Research Objects of the University of Cádiz, has been included in the Web Ranking of World Repositories, in its January 2017 edition, in position 29 of 67 Repositories nationwide and number 517 of 2,284 repositories worldwide. It is an initiative of the CSIC Cybermetrics Laboratory (Higher Council for Scientific Research) that measures the visibility and impact of scientific repositories.

Video tutorial on copyright and self-archiving (03-03-2016)

The Library has prepared a video tutorial on the policies of publishers regarding self-archiving to guide researchers at the University of Cádiz in relation to the deposit of their publications in open access in RODIN, Repository of Teaching and Research Objects.

Any researcher, in order to share, reuse and disseminate their publications, must take into account the agreements that publishers offer in relation to the deposit of their publications in open access. Thus, it is shown how to consult the Sherpa / Romeo database, where the copyright policies of the main international publishers are analyzed; and the Dulcinea database for Spanish publishers, and which version of the article can be deposited respecting these policies.

Properly managing the copyright of your works will facilitate their open dissemination, increasing the visibility and impact of the research results.

See the Video Tutorial (Spanish)

New version of RODIN, UCA’s Institutional Repository (09-07-2015)

The version of the UCA Repository, RODIN, has been updated, which now presents a new image, in which the communities in which RODIN’s contents are structured stand out, as well as the national and international portals in which these contents are integrated. , increasing the visibility and impact of the scientific production of the University of Cádiz.

New information and help sections have been included, such as Frequently Asked Questions, Repository Policies, Regulations and legislation on open access, information on Copyrights, etc.