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El sitio web de la Universidad de Cádiz utiliza cookies propias y de terceros para realizar análisis de uso y medición del tráfico, así como permitir el correcto funcionamiento en redes sociales, y de este modo poder mejorar su experiencia de navegación.

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Área de Biblioteca, Archivo y Publicaciones Biblioteca

Interlibrary Loan Service

The Interlibrary Loan Service and Access to the Document allows users of the University of Cádiz to obtain documents that are not found in any of the UCA Libraries. Also, you can consult documents available in the Library of the UCA.

Access for requests / consultations:

UCA library has two service points:


Access to the Interlibrary Loan Service

Signing in the Service

In order to use the Interlibrary Loan Service you must sign in. After entering your identification keys, you will access a form where you could sign in.

Then, you must complete the signing in form. Select your usual library in the drop-down.  The Central Library Service will process the requests of the users of the UCA Libraries, except those of the Humanities library, which will be processed from this one.

If you wish to make a request, you may do so below, even if you are awaiting validation by the service. In any case you will receive an email notifying you that you have been discharged.

Extern users

If you are an external user and, therefore, do not have university codes, you must register and choose a password, with which you will subsequently access the Interlibrary Loan service.

Registered users

Once registered you can access, identifiying yourself with your university identification codes (or email and password), to your Interlibrary Loan Service account, where you can make new requests and consult the ones already made.

How to make a petition

Search of the document in the Library

Before making the petition it is very important that you consult the UCA catalog, in order to check that the document is not among the UCA Library collection.


To request a document, you must sign in by identifying yourself with your university identification data (UCA users) or email and password (external users).

Documents that can be requested

Copies of journal articles, chapters or book parts, conference papers and communications, and loan of originals (monographs) may be requested.

Excluded from this service are documents that are easily acquired or recently published, reference works, old, valuable and fragile materials, or that imply special conditions of conservation, insurance contracting, etc., as well as patents and standards. , and the fascicles of magazines and complete electronic books.

Documents request

For each document requested it is necessary to complete an interlibrary loan request form, with the necessary data related to the request, which vary according to the document requested, since the same data is not required if it is a book or an article of magazine. Some fields are required.

If you also want the document to be located  in foreign centers, indicate it in the form (maximum level of demand) although this option has a higher cost. Check public prices.

There will be essential data for the provision of the service,in the case of requests charged to the University of Cádiz, which will be the data referring to the Organic, Functional and Economic Classification of the petitioner. For the provision of services whose charge is made in person, it will be essential to record the NIF (Número de Identificación Fiscal).

For requests from the University of Cádiz, in order to process your request, it is an essential requirement to complete the service request signed by the person responsible for the Expense Unit at the Interlibrary Loan service point that corresponds to you, in order to invoice the service. The request will not be processed until you receive this form.

You can obtain a copy of this request  to print it on your printer.

Processing of requests

Our main suppliers are the Spanish Libraries and Institutions. If the document is not located in Spain and the user has given its authorization, it will be requested to libraries or foreign institutions.

The requests will be processed within a maximum period of 24 hours, from that moment the reception time depends on the supplying center.

If during the process of processing there is any incident that prevents the obtaining of the document, the user will be informed (documents not available at that moment, inaccurate references, etc.), proceeding to cancel the request.

Reception of the document

  • Books: when the document is received, you will be notified and the book will be sent to your Library where you can pick it up. Its period of consultation is 30 days from the shipment in origin. The delivery note will be sent along with the document.
  • Electronic documents: in the case of documents sent in electronic format you will receive an email with a link to go to your account, where you can download the document and the delivery note. After download, the documents will be accessible for 15 days.

Consultation requests

Within your Interlibrary Loan Service account, you will be able to check the status of your requests, download the documents stored in your mailbox and make new requests.

Users responsabilites

Users must treat the documents with special care and respect the terms and conditions of the loan, which are established by the supplying center. Delays in the return of books, or their failure to collect by the user, may involve penalties.

The provision of the service will be conditioned by the legislation in force as regards copyright, the licenses signed with the editors by the UCA, and the conditions of the supplying center.

The documents requested through this service can be used only for private, educational or research use, and its reprography and use will be subject to current legislation and intellectual property.

Service Billing

Periodically the Central Library Service will invoice the pending services:

  • Private charges: users who make the payment in a personal way, will receive a detailed invoice with precise instructions to make the payment
  • Charges to the University of Cádiz: in the case of requests from the University of Cádiz, the invoice will be sent to the corresponding unit of the Rectorate, along with a copy of the Service Request

Service Request Form

Application form for billing charged to the UCA (Service request)


Check public prices

Instructions for external users of the University of Cádiz

External users who require documents from the Library of the University of Cádiz must register to register for our Interlibrary Loan service.

Once they have their user data they can access and fill in the request form.


Central Library Service    peticion.documentos@uca.es
Humanities Library     pibhum@uca.es

Instructions for external institutions to the University of Cádiz

Requests from external institutions will be processed at the Central Library Service. Libraries or external institutions that require documents from the  University of Cádiz library can request them in the following way:

  • Libraries or Institutions with Gtbib-SOD: the centers that use Gtbib-SOD can make the request from its application to the Central Library Service.
  • Libraries or Institutions without Gtbib-SOD: the centers that do not have this system must register in our Interlibrary Loan service, indicating their contact and billing information. Once they have their user data they can access and fill in the request form.

Central Library Service   peticion.documentos@uca.es