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Área de Biblioteca, Archivo y Publicaciones Biblioteca



Since 2013, the University of Cádiz, through its vice-rectorate for research and transfer, aware of the importance of the visibility of its researchers and their scientific production, is an institutional member of ORCID (Open Researcher and ContributorID). Likewise, it is integrated into the agreement as an institutional member of the consortium with the University Libraries of Andalusia (CBUA). More information.

What is the ORCID identifier?

ORCID is an identifier composed of 16 digits and based on the  ISO 27729:2012standard, Information and documentation – International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI), which allows researchers to have a persistent and unambiguous author code to clearly distinguish their academic production .

This open, non-profit initiative, supported by the main publishers (Nature Publishing Group, Elsevier, Hindawi …) and research institutions (CERN, MIT, CalTech …), aims to guarantee the unequivocal distinction of academic production of researchers and be an effective method to link the research activities referenced in different information systems.

What does ORCID contribute to UCA researchers?

The ORCID identifier is an integrating system (of universities, funding agencies, publishers) and will allow to confirm the authorship of a research work from various sources, by connecting with other identifiers such as ResearcherID, Scopus, IraLIS, Dialnet …


It enables researchers to:

  • A correct identification of the authorship, of their academic contribution and intellectual production.
  • Connect directly with your IDs in Scopus, WOK (Web of Knowledge), CrossRef and transfer the data of your publications automatically from these portals to ORCID.
  • Add your academic data, institutional affiliation history and links to your own websites and blogs.
  • Simplification of the research activity evaluation tasks.
  • Integration of the ORCID identifier in scientific communication processes (sending articles to editors for publication) and funding requests

The ORCID identifier has been considered a prominent element in the Regulation for the Unique Bibliographic Denomination, approved by the Governing Council of the UCA in 2013.

How to get the ORCID identifier

The University of Cádiz, through the Office of the vice-rectorate for Research and Transfer and the University Library, has carried out an institutional implementation process of ORCID at the UCA consisting of the automated creation of ORCID accounts for UCA researchers. In this process, it was taken into account whether an author already had an ORCID account to avoid the creation of duplicates.

If you don’t know your ORCID identifier

The Teaching and Research Staff of the UCA already have an ORCID identifier. It is recommended not to make an individual registration in ORCID without first checking that you do not have an identifier created within the institutional process.

If you do not know what your identifier is, you can consult the UCA directory, where it has been integrated into the personal data of the PDI.

If you do not have an ORCID identifier

If you did not have a connection with the University of Cádiz when the institutional process of creating ORCID accounts was carried out, you can make an individual registration in ORCID  easily and free of charge.

Contact the Library if  you have any other queries

How to access and modify your ORCID

The Teaching and Research Staff of the UCA with ORCID identifier owns their profile and can configure the visibility of the data. They are the only person authorized to add or modify the data of their account, whether registered individually or within of the institutional creation process (in this case, accounts have been created with the data provided by the UCA or the author himself).

Step -by-step information to modify your registry

How to Add Publications to your ORCID

It is advisable to complete the ORCID registry adding the most recent or relevant publications of your scientific activity. ORCID has integrated the main bibliographic databases to retrieve your publications automatically, also offering as an alternative to include publications manually.

Step-by-step information to add publications

How to use your ORCID

Once the identifier is available, we recommended adding:

  • As part of your public profile in the email signature
  • On your web pages
  • On the scientific platforms in which it participates (ResearchGate, Academia, Dialnet)
  • As a signature when sending manuscripts for publication, communications to congresses, scientific posters
  • As identification in peer-review works and for the request (or review) of research projects
  • To attend grants and calls, being already integrated into the standardized CVN of the FECYT.

The University of Cádiz has incorporated the ORCID identifier into the data of the Teaching and Research Personnel included in the UCA Directory. If you have an ORCID identifier and it does not appear in the Directory, contact the Library.


The ORCID identifier of the researchers at the University of Cádiz has been automatically integrated into the SICA2, system, the Andalusian Scientific Information System, and is displayed on the public profile of the researcher on two screens, at the entrance to the profile, and also on the link “Go to personal data”.

The researchers who are not yet registered in SICA, will be able to enter their ORCID identifier when registering in the personal data form of their profile.

Más información

ORCID – ¿What is ORCID?

ORCID – Video What is ORCID? (subtitles in Spanish)

ORCID – Help guide

ORCID in the UCA
