What is the Scientific Production Portal?
This portal brings together the scientific production of the University of Cádiz, giving visibility and transparency to its research activity through the results and the analysis of its impact, facilitating consultation by Areas of knowledge, Departments, Institutes and Research Groups, and by investigator.
What are its advantages?
Among the advantages it offers are:
- Gather in a single access point the scientific production generated by the researchers and units of the UCA
- Increase its visibility and dissemination within the scientific community, with access to full texts
- Have periodically updated publications from various sources
- Offer bibliometric indicators at the individual and unit level
- Provide options to complete the scientific production of researchers and units
What researchers are included in the Portal?
Currently, active researchers from the University of Cádiz from in all categories are included.
What can I do if I am not in the Portal?
Periodically the people and units of the Portal are updated from the information of the UCA services. It may not appear as it is scheduled to be added in the next update. Still, to clarify your situation you can consult with bibliometria@uca.es
How is it organized?
The Portal organizes its content in:
- GROUPS: information on the research activity of the Research Groups of the University of Cádiz, classified according to PAIDI areas.
- RESEARCHERS / AS: grouped in the different Departments, Research Institutes and Knowledge Areas of the University.
- RESULTS: scientific production and global indicators of the University of Cádiz.
The researchers are grouped by:
- Departments
- Research Institutes
- Knowledge areas
- Investigation groups
The overall results offered are:
- Publications
- Open access
- Thesis defended in the University of Cádiz
- Collaboration
- Patents
- Global Indicators
What information does the researcher profile contain?
Administrative information:
Based on the information from Universitas XXI (HR), the information on active researchers at the University of Cádiz is obtained and updated:
- Administrative name
- Contractual typology: tenured professor, contracted doctor, etc.
- Institutional email
- Assignment to: Knowledge Area, Department, Institute and Research Group
Perfiles de autor:
Available author profiles are displayed, such as Dialnet ID, Scopus ID, ORCID, Researcher ID, Google Scholar and other profiles, which have been validated by the Library. If you do not have any of them, you can consult our Author Profile Guide on how to create them, keep them updated and take advantage of their benefits.
Scientific production
The researcher’s profile offers:
- A list of their publications by years, with the possibility of filtering by document type. Descriptive data, associated indicators, access to the document and, if possible, the full text are offered for each publication.
- A list of its collaborators, indicating the publications made in co-authorship, and the institutions to which they belong.
- Theses carried out and directed by the researcher, from the information included in Dialnet.
- Global bibliometric indicators associated with your publications.
How they disemminate the works?
RODIN is registered in the most prestigious collectors and general repositories directories at the national level (RECOLECTA, Hispana, TDR, etc.) and internacional (DRIVER, Oaister/OCLC, DART-Europe, Google Académico, etc.), directories such as ROAR, OPENDOAR, etc, which increases the visibility and impact of documents and their authors.
¿Can I know statistics… ?
RODIN offers individual statistics for each document by accessing the option See statistics once within the document record. It offers the number of visits and monthly and total downloads, as well as the countries and cities from which it has been accessed.
In addition, you can consult the general monthly and annual usage statistics of the UCA Repository, as well as the most visited documents.
What does the Portal contain?
Currently the Portal contains the scientific production of researchers from the University of Cádiz, individually and grouped into Research Groups, Departments and Research Institutes of the UCA, as well as the overall results of the UCA.
- Researchers: personal profile (assignment to Department, Area, Institute, Research Group), publications, collaborators and information on theses carried out or supervised.
- Research groups: Group data, researchers who are members of the Group, publications, collaborators and supervised theses.
- Departments: data from the Department, researchers who are members of the Department, research groups in which they participate, publications, collaborators and theses defended and directed.
- Research Institutes: data from the Institute, researchers who are members of the Institute, research groups in which they participate, publications and collaborators.
- Results: Publications, Open Access, Thesis of the University of Cádiz, Collaboration, Patents, Global Indicators.
What types of publications are included?
The following types of documents are included:
- Scientific articles
- Books
- Chapters of books
- Conference proceedings published
- Doctoral theses
- Others (reviews, etc.)
- Patents
What indicators are provided?
The following indicators are offered:
- Journal Citation Reports: Impact Factor and quartiles
- SCImago Journal Rank: Impact Factor and quartiles
- CiteScore: Indicator
- Índice Dialnet de Revistas
- Clasificación CIRC
- Citas recibidas en Scopus
- Citas recibidas en Dialnet Métricas
In addition, it is possible to calculate the average normalized impact of an author from his publications in Scopus.
How often are the publications on the Portal updated?
The publications found on the Dialnet are updated daily. The publications included in Scopus are updated weekly.
Where does the patent information come from?
Patents registered in Spain, that is, of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, have been included in the Portal.
Why is there no information about the research projects?
Information on research projects will be incorporated shortly from the information registered in WIDI.
What do we do if we have publications that are not in the Portal?
You must enter them manually from your profile. The added publication will be waiting to be validated by the Library before being incorporated into the Portal.
Consult the Investigator Profile section on the Portal or contact bibliometria@uca.es
How can I deposit my TFG/TFM?
To deposit your final degree or master’s degree project in RODIN, by virtue of the Framework Regulation UCA / CG07 / 2012, of July 13, 2012, (BOUCA No. 148), (article 7.3), which establishes that “The works evaluated positively with a score of 9 or higher will deserve the incorporation of the copy in digital format to the Institutional Repository, with open access.”, It is necessary to follow the following steps:
- Create a user account
- Request self-archiving permissions
- Access your personal account through the option Login through RODIN account
- Perform job self-archiving
- Accredit the required note to be able to deposit your work in RODIN
Más información en Autoarchivo de TFG/TFM en RODIN en RODIN
How can I deposit my thesis?
To deposit your thesisin RODIN, once approved, mandatory by virtue of Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, 2011 (BOE 02-10-2011), which regulates official doctoral studies (article 14.5) , it is necessary to create a user account, request self-archiving permissions and access your personal account through the option Login through RODIN account to perform the self-archiving of the thesis. Depositing your thesis in RODIN does not imply its publication or assign an ISBN.
Researcher profile in the Portal
How do I access my profile?
You can access your profile from the Identify yourself option located in the upper right part of the Portal. You must select the University of Cádiz option in the RedIRIS system and then enter your university identification data.
In order to access and interact with the Portal, your profile email must be an institutional email. If not, communicate this incident to bibliometria@uca.es so that it can be modified.
What can I do on my profile?
In your profile you can perform the following actions:
- Add new publications
- Calculate the normalized mean impact from your posts in Scopus
- Add or modify personal data
What publications can I add to my profile??
If any of your work is not included in the main sources of the Portal (Dialnet and Scopus) nor has it been incorporated from an open access document repository, you can incorporate it manually. It is only necessary to provide the DOI or a URL of the publication.
See how to do it in the Guide to edit my profile.
How can I remove erroneous or duplicate posts?
An attempt is made to minimize errors or duplications in publications. Still, if they do occur, the author cannot delete posts directly.
you have to report any incident to bibliometria@uca.es so it can be reviewed.
What personal data appears on my profile?
The personal data that will show in your profile are the following:
- Photo: by default they will be loaded from the UCA Information System
- url web personal:by default it will appear empty, you can add the data if you wish
- curricular / personal aspects: by default it will appear empty, you can add the aspects you want
- Author identifiers: the identifiers that appear in your profile have been validated by the Library. If you wish to modify any, contact bibliometria@uca.es
How can I export my publications?
Currently it is possible to export publications individually in RIS format. The option to download the publications in CVN is being worked on.