Content and collections policy
Service policy
Metadata policy
Depositing Policy
Record editing, preservation, replacement and deletion policy
Statistics Policy
Digital preservation policy
Format support policy
Privacy Policy
For more information contact repositorio.digital@uca.es
Content and collections policy
RODIN is a multidisciplinary repository whose objective is to allow open access to the documentation produced by the scientific, educational and institutional activity of the UCA, increasing the visibility of the contents and guaranteeing their preservation.
The Repository collects all kinds of digital materials: journal articles, conference communications, doctoral theses, working documents, teaching materials and learning objects, as well as digital products of the bibliographic heritage of the University of Cádiz, as long as this material:
- is produced by active members of the university community: it means that the author or co-author of a work is linked to one of the centers, departments, institutes or services of the University of Cádiz.
- belongs to the field of research, teaching, administration or cultural heritage of the UCA.
- is in digital format.
- is complete for distribution and archiving.
- the author / copyright holder of the work can and wants to grant the University of Cádiz the non-exclusive license to preserve and disseminate the work in question through the institutional repository. This section is particularly important because it refers to copyright. The author must know what type of data can be published in the repository and know the exploitation rights for each type of document.
RODIN structures its contents in 6 main communities:
- Scientific Production: Documents generated by the University of Cádiz professors and researchers in their research work: scientific articles, books, book chapters, communications to congresses, theses, etc. Its objective is to contribute to increasing the visibility and impact of the scientific production of the members of the UCA and to ensure its preservation.
- Teaching Production: Provides access to teaching materials and learning objects deposited by University of Cádiz professors and researchers. It includes monographs, learning objects and university teaching materials included in the OpenCouseWare platform.
- Institutional Production: Includes official and administrative documents, reports, etc. from the University of Cádiz.
- Journals edited by the University: This community compiles the articles of the magazines edited by the University of Cádiz.
- Academic projects: Gather end-of-degree thesis, end-of-master thesis and end-of-degree projects. The TFG and TFM must have a grade of outstanding or honors for their incorporation into the repository.
- Bibliographic Heritage: This community gives access to the bibliographic and documentary heritage of the University of Cádiz, made up of a collection of books on scientific, technical and humanistic subjects published between the 16th and 19th centuries, and by the documentary funds from the academic institutions that preceded and were the origin of current university studies in Cádiz: the Royal College of Surgery of the Navy, the School of Commerce, the School of Pilots, the School of Industrial Experts and Industrial Masters, and the Normal Schools of Teachers, mostly from the 18th and 19th centuries. These works have been digitized for dissemination and preservation.
In addition, there are other communities in which documents are collected that in turn are included in some of the previous communities:
- CEI-Mar Campus of International Excellence: It compiles the scientific and educational production generated within the CEI-Mar project, coordinated by the University of Cádiz.
- Departments: This community includes doctoral theses, articles, lectures, final degree projects and other documents of a teaching and scientific nature generated by the University of Cádiz departments.
- Research Groups: This community gives access to the documents generated as a result of the research activity of the University of Cádiz Research Group.
- Research Institutes: This community gives access to the documents generated as a result of the research activity of the University of Cádiz Research Institutes.
RODIN admits the deposit of the following material:
- Preprints and postprints articles. Preprints are the versions sent by the authors to be evaluated by a committee of peers of scientific journals. Postprints can be author’s or publisher’s and refer to articles that have passed the peer review. Author postprints are the versions of articles in which the author has incorporated the peer committee’s suggestions to improve the text, while editor postprints are the final versions that appear published in scientific journals, with the editor’s logo.
- Communications from congresses, conferences, seminars and other scientific meetings, as well as presentations and posters.
- Doctoral thesis, Master’s Final Project, Final Degree Project and Final Degree Project
- Books and parts of books.
- Books and parts of books.
- Data sets.
- Didactic material, outreach work.
- Sound and audiovisual recordings.
- Digitized material: as long as the appropriate permissions regarding copyright are complied with, digitized copies of works that, due to their age, lack an electronic version available on the internet, are accepted.
- Technical reports.
- Patents
- Maps.
- Images.
RODIN accepts scientific material in any language, being Spanish and English the most representative.
RODIN accepts documents in commonly used formats, but for reasons of accessibility and digital preservation, an easily readable format in the web environment (such as PDF) is recommended. In general, open formats such as RTF, TIFF and JPG are preferred over proprietary formats (Word, GIF, etc).
This content policy may be reviewed by the RODIN management team.
Service policy
RODIN makes a series of services available to its users to promote an easy and efficient use of the repository. The RODIN management team:
- Define the mission, objectives, services and development of the repository..
- It offers consultation services and technical support on the daily operation of the repository..
- It organizes and gives training courses on the operation of the UCA repository and topics related to open access..
- It carries out dissemination and promotion campaigns for the Repository among the university community..
- Create training resources and tutorials.
- Prepares studies and reports on the management and use of the Repository.
- It encourages the exchange of knowledge and information through new communication channels.
- Advises on copyright issues.
- Create new collections to meet the needs of Research Groups, Departments or Units of the UCA.
- It incorporates new functionalities in the repository, thus offering more and better services.
This service policy may be reviewed by the RODIN management team.
Metadata policy
Metadata is the minimum information necessary to identify a document. They are all that descriptive information about the context, quality, condition or characteristics of a resource, data or object in order to facilitate its recovery, authentication, evaluation, preservation and / or interoperability.
There are various types and models of metadata. Dublin Core (DC) is the metadata schema used in RODIN. Any user can access RODIN metadata. This metadata can be reused without the need for explicit permissions as long as mention is made of the original record of the metadata in RODIN.
Depositing Policy
This section defines who can deposit in RODIN and how to do it.
RODIN is based on a distributed work model through which the members of the UCA can self-archive their work, that is, each author deposits, under their own responsibility, the documents in the repository. The researcher who deposits a document is responsible for its authorship and for not having exclusively transferred or assigned the exploitation rights of that work to third parties (for example, to a publishing house or a scientific journal).
All members of the Teaching and Research Staff of the University of Cádiz and all the Administration and Services Staff can deposit teaching or research documents in RODIN, accessing with their university credentials. For students it is necessary to be registered in RODIN and have the permissions for it. If the author has a RODIN account but does not have self-archiving permissions, he must send an email to repository.digital@uca.es requesting them.
When the submission process is complete, the Library reviews the metadata and the document is published on RODIN.
The author will receive an email informing him about this. This email contains the persistent URL assigned to the document. In the event that the RODIN management team detects an incident (for example, the uploaded file does not correspond to the document described or is not complete), it will reject the submission and communicate it by email. You can make the appropriate modifications and resubmit it.
The last step for the deposit of a work is the granting of a non-exclusive distribution license by which the author authorizes RODIN to archive, broadcast and preserve said work. This license is not incompatible with other uses or means of dissemination that the author deems appropriate for his work.
To check the status of the submission, the author must access “My Account”. Authors who deposit in RODIN are not authorized to modify the works they have submitted. Modifications are the responsibility of the RODIN management team, so if the author wishes to make any changes, they should contact them. RODIN’s management team is also in charge of mapping, changing record collections, and deleting entire records.
Record editing, preservation, replacement and deletion policy
RODIN collects, disseminates and preserves the digital production generated by members of the university community in matters of culture, teaching, digitized collections and research. Therefore, the deletion of records is not contemplated, except in the cases described below.
If an author substantially revises the content of his work and wishes to deposit a new version, he must do so as a new record and document, unless he wishes to keep the same HANDLE identifier. The RODIN management team may link, if the author so wishes, both versions of the work and include information on which version is preferred, but in general, RODIN’s policy is to keep the most current version of the deposited works.
RODIN will keep the deposits of the works of authors who are members of the University of Cádiz even if they change their institutional affiliation. Exceptionally, the repository managers will delete, without requesting the prior consent of the author of the work, the records that:
- They are not relevant to the nature of RODIN..
- They support a format whose file or display is absolutely unsatisfactory in RODIN.
- Contain a virus or present any other technical problem.
- Copyright infringement: In the event that a post without permissions for repository is found to have been deposited by mistake in an open repository, the repository will be removed immediately and the person who made the deposit will be contacted to request a version of the work that is capable of being deposited.
- They are plagiarism of works of other authors.
- Duplicate jobs in RODIN.
- The deleted records will not be permanently deleted. RODIN will store a private copy. In these cases, the permanent electronic address (URL) of the item will remain in effect..
Statistics Policy
RODIN automatically generates statistics that it uses as a tool for analyzing the scientific, institutional and cultural production of the UCA and the degree of its international diffusion, visibility and accessibility. The statistics module also analyzes the rate of content growth and the type of material available in the repository, as well as the patterns of visits and downloads. These statistics are freely accessible in the public section of RODIN and help to manage the repository in an efficient way, identifying usage and development patterns.
Digital preservation policy
In order to ensure the availability of RODIN content and that it can be read or reproduced:
- The content will be checked regularly to preserve its integrity, security and durability.
- The content will be transformed into new formats when deemed necessary (based on the same safety and durability criteria).
- When possible, software emulations will be provided to access formats that cannot be migrated.
- Full RODIN content, including data and metadata, are regularly backed up.
For the purposes of digital preservation, RODIN also recommends the deposit of documents in easily readable formats (such as PDF).
Format support policy
RODIN tries to support as many formats as possible. However, in the case of specific proprietary formats, this guarantee is not total, due to the characteristics of the software. The format support policy is particularly important because it is closely linked to accessibility and long-term digital preservation. While the electronic accessibility of all files in RODIN is guaranteed through unique and permanent identifiers, the preservation and long-term support are highly dependent on the document formats.
When the deposited file formats have the following characteristics, the chances of success in ensuring long-term digital preservation are much higher:
- Complete and open documentation.
- Non-proprietary software.
- No password protection.
- No full or partial encryption.
- No embedded files, programs or scripts.
- It is therefore recommended to deposit files in RODIN whose format is open as RTF, TIFF, JPG, or proprietary formats of great worldwide popularity.
Items that are password protected, fully or partially encrypted, or contain malicious code are not allowed.
Privacy Policy
RODIN respects the privacy of its users, so that all the information it receives is used only to register on the repository’s intranet for those who wish and are authorized to deposit documents and to activate the personalized alert service. Any user registered in RODIN can subscribe to this alert service that informs daily of the new deposits made at the collection level.
In accordance with the adaptation of the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data 15/1999, RODIN does not make public the information of its users regarding individual visits to the repository or the personal data necessary to register in the system.